So you've created your first it's time for change. 

The Snapshot and Shift created by Rachel Hansen

Can you see the difference between these two mandala drawings?

The picture on the left is Rachel's snapshot - her starting point Mandala. By going deeper to reveal what your soul is really trying to tell you, you can create massive shifts. Here Rachel managed to shift her belief system to attract her dream VIP clients to her business.

Ready to go deeper?

Get Tanya's FABULOUS 7 INSIGHTS into interpreting your mandala and creating life changing shifts right here and now  'Tanya-style'!

Mandala drawing will uncover your deepest fears, desires and roadblocks, allowing you to blast through your doubt with confidence and clarity.  This guide will offer effective ways to interpret what you've drawn and help you understand the messages.

Annie Clough


"Shifting your mandala is like a metaphor for life,

I could feel the power of the change in me when I was drawing it"

- Alisoun Mackenzie

The Snapshot and Shift created by Christine Fanning

Mandala work 'Tanya-style' is made up of three steps -

The Snapshot, The Reveal, and The Shift. 

  • Step 1 - THE SNAPSHOT - Connect with your soul to see where you are right now.
  • Step 2 - THE REVEAL - Interpret your mandala to see what is lying underneath... what the real source of your block is, and get clarity on how they are effecting your life.
  • Step 3 - THE SHIFT - Go back to your mandala to reshape your blocks, shift your energy, and transform your life.

Go from


The Snapshot and Shift created by Elina Puohiniemi

"I did this years ago and still refer back to it from time to time.  My work with Tanya was really powerful and the messages keep unfolding still now as it was such a new perspective for me.  It takes time to take it all in"



I don't consider myself to be creative so thought I would struggle.  I was really surprised how bursts of emotion seemed to come out of nowhere.  I'd like to add more of this work to my personal development because it provided amazing insights into where I am and how I can move forward"

- Louise Cartwright-Orr


 "I can't believe how some of my hidden fears and uncertainties showed up in my drawing and how I was able to shift my vision and clear of the fears that were holding me back."

-Appio Hunter


" This was remarkable! I was going to take a moment to focus on my business first, but no!  I just couldn't wait to put pencil to paper and get drawing.  Like a child in kindergarten, totally into it. Exciting!  And look what came out ... 'me' and that angel have morphed and I feel more grounded.  Thank you so much dear Tanya, loved it!!!" 

- Karin Bosveld






Everything you need to know to make HUGE positive shifts in hours.


  My 3-step- 14 page guide comprises: 

  • Guide to start drawing your Mandala, including supplies list and how to set your intention.
  • 7 Top Tips on what to look for when interpreting your mandala to recognise the key signals, giving you clarity and direction to move forward.
  • Specific insights on how to interpret and shift your mandala creation so that you'll feel the connection with changing the picture is changing your reality.

AND there are BONUSES!

  • A Color Guide - Providing direction on what the colors mean and how you can reveal further insights from the colors chosen.
  • 3 Videos - One for each section of the guide, further explaining each step and what it means.
  • Mandala Shift & Share FB Group - Access to my closed Facebook group where you can post your creations amongst like-minded souls to further your interpretation and shift to create even more clarity in your life!


Get yours for only €18!

(value €48!!)

Tanya Arler is about real change, right now.  Her unique techniques create deep shifts and a-ha moments that will help you shape your life into exactly what you want it to be.  She listens deeply, responds authentically and guides you whole-heartedly.